Make Your Newsletter Stand Out From The Crowd

Looking to stand out from the competition? With an interactive content platform like Ceros you can easily design and publish interactive content will make your newsletter more effective at driving sales and engaging your readers.

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No more compromising on your vision. Whether you start with a blank canvas or use one of our templates, simply drag and drop digital assets directly into the studio, or even import design files like Photoshop, Illustrator, or Sketch. Then, add animations and interactions using our presets library. Before you know it, you’re up and running.



Once your content is published, drive your audience directly to the experience or embed it anywhere on the web. Ceros is compatible with virtually every CMS and can seamlessly embed in your site to give any page a bespoke look and feel. Easily update your live content in real time, optimize it for search, and get it in front of your audience with one click.



Managing access to design work is as important as managing the work itself. Ceros lets you grant different levels of access, so your team can work together without stepping on each other's toes. Files can then be sorted in an intuitive folder system everyone can understand. Ceros even lets you preload templates with your brand assets and guidelines so everyone stays on the same page.

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Interactive Newsletter

Creating content that can hold the attention of people has become increasingly difficult. In a society where video shorts and headlines serve as the main sources of information, crafting content for your business that can continue to hold the attention of your audience continues to pose a challenge. With that in mind, some marketers have turned to interactive newsletters.

What is an interactive newsletter, and why should you be using them? An interactive newsletter is often sent out as an email to your company’s entire email subscriber list. It is often a highly structured and scheduled message that can highlight your company’s products or services. Like other interactive forms of digital marketing strategies, interactive newsletters could be an effective way to grab the attention of your current and prospective customers. 

One great method to increase the amount of dwell time and conversion rates on your content is to focus on putting out interactive or experiential content. This content utilizes interactive activities that the viewer initiates themselves to receive the information they want from your content. While, at first, this may sound like it could lose more viewers than it brings in, creating content that your audience physically interacts with has actually been shown to give over an 80% increase in viewer dwell times and increase the click-through rate by 10 times.

The best interactive newsletter might incorporate a few different interactive elements that help to prompt your viewers to take action. Whether this means having a series of product descriptions or a display of your most successful product or service statistics, the point is to encourage your viewers to keep looking through the newsletter and eventually want to take action on your website or store. Interactive newsletters can be much more effective in getting your audience to take notice of your company’s content and products or services because it requires them to physically interact with your newsletter rather than just read the first paragraph and then lose interest.

Interactive Newsletter Examples

Distinguishing your business from the crowd of other similar businesses can be extremely difficult. This is where creating interactive newsletters for your email subscribers can give your business an edge that sets it apart from the competition. But how can you make your newsletters interactive if you have nothing to base them on? Luckily, there are many interactive newsletter template ideas that you can base your newsletter on in the Ceros Studio. Ceros not only offers many different interactive newsletter template examples, but it also offers interactive newsletter examples submitted by companies already using the Ceros Studio for additional inspiration. 

Coming up with interactive newsletter ideas can be difficult, especially if you have never made these types of newsletters before. This is another great reason to check out Ceros Studio’s example newsletters. Not only can these examples help to give you ideas for the type of content you will want to put in your newsletter, but they can also help to give you ideas for layout and design as well. Using these examples and templates as inspiration can help you create an interactive newsletter that works for your company by either customizing an existing template or creating your own template using the easy-to-use design platform that Ceros offers.

How To Create An Interactive Newsletter

How can you make an interactive newsletter for your company? To understand how to create an interactive newsletter, the first thing that you’ll want to think about is what type of content you are going to want to include in your newsletter. Maybe you want to showcase certain deals or sales statistics for your products or highlight your best-selling products or services. Whatever it is that you want to include in your newsletter should be gathered up for easy access. 

To create an interactive newsletter of your own, you’ll want to either find an existing interactive newsletter template that you can import your content into, or you’ll want to create your own custom newsletter template from scratch. It is important to take into consideration your intended audience when deciding on your interactive newsletter design. If you are new to creating your own interactive newsletters, starting from a template that you can customize to fit your needs might be a good option. If nothing else, utilizing a template can help to get you comfortable with the layout and interactive elements of your newsletter. When customizing an existing template on the Ceros Studio platform, you can fully customize and repurpose the template for whatever type of content you would like. From replacing images to editing text to replicating animations, these templates can help to serve as a very solid starting point for you to begin creating interactive content, from your very first interactive newsletter to every one after that.

Online Newsletters

Using online newsletters as a way to connect and communicate with your current and potential customers can be a great way to keep their attention and help encourage them to take action with your brand and your services or products. However, rather than just sending out an electronic newsletter that is a series of product descriptions or a small blog post, creating an interactive digital newsletter can help to hold the attention of your audience rather than having them skim through your content but not take any action on it. Interactive content has been shown to more effectively engage your audience. Using this knowledge, when you are creating your newsletter, using interactive elements can help to get your customers to take action from your newsletter.

Especially if you are new to creating interactive content, using a template can be an excellent way to get started and create a type of interactive newsletter that works for your company and your audience. Using a template can also show you how to create an interactive email template for your company that you can continue to use in the future as well. Exposing your customers to interactive content through your online newsletters can be a great way to continue to engage those customers and continue to increase your conversion rates even if they are not seeing your content directly from your website.

Interactive Newsletter Tools

When you are creating an interactive newsletter for your own company, there are a few really useful tools that you can use to help create the best interactive newsletter for your company and your audience. One extremely useful tool that you can use—especially if you are new to the idea of interactive content or newsletters—is an interactive newsletter creator studio. A studio that allows you to customize templates, create your own content from scratch, and have complete control of your company’s design and marketing can be valuable in helping you to create your own interactive newsletters. 

When it comes to interactive newsletter tools, there are many different features, such as access to millions of stock images, previewing and optimizing your content for different platforms, allowing collaboration, and maintaining the ability to update your content endlessly. These tools can help you create an interactive newsletter that is customized and designed for your company. Utilizing interactive content can help you more effectively engage your audience and create a more immersive experience that can better connect your customers to your brand. Creating your newsletters with experiential content in them is a great way to extend that connection between your company and your customers, even past their experiences on your website.

Interactive Newsletter Software

As our society continues to rely more and more on digital technologies, interactive newsletter software that offers digital design services is becoming more and more popular. Alongside this designing and digital marketing software are services like a newsletter maker and software that helps you create and design pleasing marketing materials for your company. Using a newsletter app can help you create visually appealing and attention-grabbing newsletters to help engage your audience and increase the number of leads you have interacting with your company. 

The best newsletter software may have features that allow you to create experiential content for your newsletters as well as for other types of digital marketing as well. The Ceros digital design platform offers tools, templates, and examples that can help you create enticing and engaging digital content that drives your customers to take action. These experiential digital experiences can help to separate your company from the competition and encourage higher conversion rates and dwell times. Because there is such a large push towards digital marketing and improving companies’ digital presences, finding something that distinguishes your company from the crowd can be essential to gaining more customers and increasing your conversion rates. For this reason, using interactive content in your digital marketing, both on your website and in your newsletters, can help you engage your audience at a deeper level than your competitors.

Interactive Newsletter For Business

With the continued development of technology and digital marketing strategies, it can be difficult to make your business stand out. An interactive newsletter for business could help with this. Embracing a type of content that brings attention to your company’s content in a different way can be an excellent way to get your business to differentiate itself from other companies. One extremely useful method of creating content is by creating interactive or experiential content. This content actually promotes your customers’ direct engagement with whatever content you are publishing, which can not only help to increase the dwell time of your customers on your website but also create a deeper connection with your audience. 

For example, interactive newsletter marketing is a great way to get your customers to engage with your content even when they are not on your website. This not only helps to keep your content in their minds, but it also helps to continue deepening those connections because in order to view your content, those customers have to engage with it. Interactive content can play an integral role in grabbing and retaining the attention of both current and prospective customers and can also lead to an increased number of customer conversions.