Tuesday Ceros Platform Training

This small group training will walk through the basics of the Ceros platform and cover everything from importing assets into the studio, to adding animations and interactions, and publishing. This training is offered weekly. When registering, select the specific session you’d like to join.

Building an Experience from Scratch

This training will walk through the basics of the Ceros platform and cover everything from importing assets into the studio, to adding animations and interactions, and publishing.

Digital Strategy: From Static to Experiential

In this small group training, we'll focus on digital strategy and the steps for taking your content from static to experiential. This session will walk through high level strategy for copy, structure, design, and build—while focusing on user engagement, visuals, and interactive opportunities.

Content Strategy: Writing for a Digital Audience

In this small group training, we'll review a high-level analysis of online reader behavior, followed by best practices for writing for digital. Learn techniques for brainstorming engaging concepts, writing compelling headlines, and more.

Digital Strategy: From Static to Experiential

In this small group training, we'll focus on digital strategy and the steps for taking your content from static to experiential. This session will walk through high level strategy for copy, structure, design, and build—while focusing on user engagement, visuals, and interactive opportunities.

UX Strategy: Thinking Through Design

This small group training will outline how to start thinking about projects from a user perspective. We'll review UX best practices and guidelines for creating successful, engaging content.

Content Strategy: Writing for a Digital Audience

In this small group training, we'll review a high-level analysis of online reader behavior, followed by best practices for writing for digital. Learn techniques for brainstorming engaging concepts, writing compelling headlines, and more.

Publisher Strategy: Go to Market

In this publisher-focused small group training session, we'll review the steps to developing a successful go to market strategy. Learn best practices, tips, and tricks for how to best package and sell interactive content.