Improve Your Digital Content With Ceros

850+ of the world’s top brands use Ceros to design and publish incredible interactive content that stands out from the crowd. Our no-code content creation platform allows you to easily design and publish interactive experiences that will improve your customer journey by driving more user engagement.

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No more compromising on your vision. Whether you start with a blank canvas or use one of our templates, simply drag and drop digital assets directly into the studio, or even import design files like Photoshop, Illustrator, or Sketch. Then, add animations and interactions using our presets library. Before you know it, you’re up and running.



Once your content is published, drive your audience directly to the experience or embed it anywhere on the web. Ceros is compatible with virtually every CMS and can seamlessly embed in your site to give any page a bespoke look and feel. Easily update your live content in real time, optimize it for search, and get it in front of your audience with one click.



Managing access to design work is as important as managing the work itself. Ceros lets you grant different levels of access, so your team can work together without stepping on each other's toes. Files can then be sorted in an intuitive folder system everyone can understand. Ceros even lets you preload templates with your brand assets and guidelines so everyone stays on the same page.

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Interactive Platforms

Current shifts in digital marketing trends are making conventional online marketing strategies obsolete. Static banner ads are being overshadowed by interactive charts, quizzes, and graphics. Interactive content creates an experience that can build a bond between users and businesses. This bond is a lasting impression in the minds of consumers – a memory they’ll look back on favorably when they’re ready to buy a product like yours. 

Successful marketers stay current on trends involving interactive marketing strategies. Their content is fresh, novel, and interesting to their target audience. Creating unique content that engages consumers is profound for brand awareness. It’s an excellent way to stand out in a crowd, driving new interest, and convert existing prospects through engagement. Imagine sending a feature launch to a named account – it’s an interactive presentation, and they learn everything they need to know about your new feature. It’s engaging, it’s informative, and it makes them more likely to want a full demo. 

Employing an interactive marketing strategy can present technical challenges for marketers without any coding skills. However, Ceros offers several content creation tools that can help novice marketers and designers create interactive content. For example, designers can transform a static landing page into an immersive page with fully-interactive touchpoints. If content designers need inspiration or a guide, Ceros offers a selection of examples and templates. Designers are also free to create content from the ground up. This engaging experience could influence the consumer to return to the brand’s products and services in the future. 

Interactive platforms usually contain elements like graphics that users can physically engage with as opposed to conventional platforms that provide users with static pictures and text. An online interactive platform can be used to inform and educate visitors as well as convert visitors into paying customers. These platforms allow visitors to view interactive presentations online.

Ceros enables companies to create online content that attracts and keeps consumers. Interactive platforms like Ceros can be used to create content that is engaging and memorable for different audiences. It can be combined with other creative technology and design software to fit into a marketer’s existing workflow and process. 

What Is Interactive Media

Interactive media contains elements that promote active participation. Examples include games, maps, presentations, and quizzes. These elements may contain fun and informative features like calculators, timers, graphs, and forms.

Interactive multimedia is important because it makes the user do something. Doing something requires a person’s full attention. A graphic can be clicked. A quiz can be taken. A game can be played. Interactive media lets users take part in the information a brand wants to convey. When we’re absorbed in an activity, we’re processing information. Interactive marketing media leaves an impression. 

Interactive media can help brands stand out amid a highly-crowded digital world. Nearly every company has a website and a social media presence. However, some companies don’t create interactive experiences to bring in customers. These companies rely on whatever brand awareness they already possess. Smaller brands can leverage interactive media in order to broaden their appeal and stand out among the competition. Many consumers today judge businesses based on the experiences they have with them. While it may be harder for smaller companies to invest in creating memorable experiences for their customers and prospects, it can also be a worthwhile investment.

Ceros has software for creating interactive multimedia and content. This experiential content can engage audiences deeper than conventional content can. Companies can build a stronger connection to their brand or message when they provide their audience with an experience instead of simple text. Connections like this, and intuitive experiences, stick in prospects’ minds, driving conversions, opportunities, and revenue. Sales cycles and marketing funnels can be long and winding – companies can try to surprise and delight their prospects throughout these journeys in order to win their favor. 

Interactive Media Examples

Interactive media not only provides information in an entertaining way, but also offers it in easy-to-digest sections. For instance, a healthcare company can create interactive media to help medical staff quickly and effectively learn about new product information by breaking down the technical details and transforming them into a visual format that’s easy to consume. This is just one of many interactive media examples that show how interactive media can bolster presentations for a variety of audiences.

Ceros is used across a large assortment of industries including:

  • B2B
  • Healthcare
  • Finance
  • Real Estate
  • Construction
  • Professional Services
  • Manufacturing
  • Travel

Ceros’ cloud-based design platform can help marketers and designers working in a variety of fields make creative presentations for their audiences. This seemingly challenging task can be completed without needing to know anything about coding. Historically, marketers would have had to get help from a web developer to create interactive presentations and landing pages. Today, they can create these experiences on their own.

Ceros also offers interactive presentation examples for designers who are struggling, both creatively and technically, on how to make the presentation that can drive participation. These templates can kickstart creativity. Ceros offers samples that can be sorted by fields such as Industry or Type. 

Interactive Marketing

Interactive marketing uses online tools to create engaging content on websites and social media. Interactive marketing on these channels allow brands to target a bigger audience and often costs less than traditional advertising. 

Due to the shift into digital marketing, conventional content is no longer the gold standard as audiences expectations have changed. Users want fresh content in easy-to-consume bites. Brands that cater to the needs of the audience have the opportunity to convert users into potential avenues for revenue. Brands that prioritize user experience are the ones that stand the test of time. 

The importance of interactive marketing can be determined by reading an interactive marketing case study. This report can also list benefits of interactive marketing. A thorough case study should show the efficiency of immersive content regarding attracting consumers and converting them into paying customers. These reports can be found online from multiple sources. As you search through interactive marketing case studies, be sure to consider your own goals, and find one that highlights how another company accomplished those same goals.

Interactive Platforms For Presentations

Ceros is an online content creation tool that lets marketers and designers create highly interactive multimedia presentations for several digital channels like websites, emails, and social platforms. Sales, annual report, proposal, and guideline presentations are only a few types of presentations that can be crafted with Ceros’ interactive presentation tools. Interactive presentation websites that need to spruce up their content can use Ceros to add interactive graphs and charts, slide shows, and animation to their projects.

Interactive platforms for presentations should be user-friendly and easy to access. Ceros doesn’t require its users to know how to code. Ceros can increase the speed and quality of content creation by allowing designers to quickly find, add, and edit images they need. Users can also enjoy the real-time preview feature so they see exactly how their creation will look after it’s published. Additionally, teams can collaborate seamlessly within Ceros, saving time and increasing the quality of the end result. 

Interactive Platforms For Students

Companies and organizations employed in the education industry can take advantage of interactive marketing content to improve the recruitment of new students or improve fundraising efforts. Ceros can help build experience for potential students and donors that can increase revenue via tuition and donations. 

An interactive marketing example regarding interactive platforms for students could involve campus maps being featured on the school’s website. This could prove useful to the new student who doesn’t know where their next class is located.

Fundraising content could be a page featuring touch screens for alumni events. The user can touch the event they’re interested in and instantly be shown the event details like time and location. This feature can quickly provide information in an immersive and highly-relevant way. 

Interactive Marketing Strategies

Interactive marketing strategies should incorporate tools and resources that can help facilitate and expedite content creation. Brands that can create content that is engaging and memorable quickly can publish their projects before their competitors. This allows companies to act fast when a new event or trend hits their industry. 

Interactive marketing campaigns should focus on building experiences, not just advertisements. Advertising methods are more than catchphrases and mascots. They’ve evolved into two-way engagement between brands and their consumers. Experiences can help people connect with products and services. Interactive presentations can drive interest, awareness, and revenue while static slideshows can get lost in the sea of content. 

Marketers looking for interactive marketing examples to spur their creativity can find them on the Ceros website. The examples here are meant to inspire marketers through showcasing design from some of the greatest creative thinkers there are. Content ranges from helpful articles on keeping your team motivated, to how Wes Anderson uses color in his films. 

Ceros stands out as being an interactive platform creation tool that can improve interactive marketing strategies. A brand’s marketing performance can see positive results through the use of immersive content. An experience created in Ceros can give prospects the chance to have an experience with you.