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Content Marketing Tools
Content Marketing is essential to virtually every business. Too often though, companies simply address this need by implementing a derivative, cookie-cutter marketing strategy. With the same strategies and ideas being implemented across thousands of businesses daily, it can be difficult to create content that lets your brand stand out. Instead of trying yet another approach that uses the same exact digital marketing tools as every other brand uses, Ceros can help you create an experience that prospects and customers will remember.
At Ceros, we know that old approaches to digital marketing are ultimately ineffective in today’s world. So, we decided it was time to empower our customers to create better experiences. Ceros’ content marketing tools create better engagement and a better brand experience for your customers and prospects by tearing down the walls of restrictive, templated web tools and opening up new creative possibilities.
This is far more than just traditional content marketing. Ceros allows customers to interact directly with the content they’re reading, creating an immersive digital experience that creates a stronger and longer-lasting connection between you and your customers. With these more meaningful engagements, your business is able to improve the quality of your content by tearing down the walls of restrictive, templated web tools and opening up new possibilities.
Digital Content Tools
Whether it’s a direct post on a niche topic or a broad overview of what your company has to offer, Ceros’ digital content tools can help you improve the productivity and creativity of your content marketing team. Even the best content creation apps limit users ability to create interactive content that engages, rather than just amuses visitors.
The website content tools used by most businesses limit your ability to create content that can speak to a wider audience. With industries that deal with complex topics, it’s important to present complicated information that is clear and easy to understand to the layperson. Even the best marketing platforms may struggle to create content that those outside of a given industry can engage with on a deeper level. That’s because the medium doesn’t lend itself to dense and complex content being conveyed quickly. Visitors are forced to invest substantial time in order to fully dive into a concept.
With a Ceros experience, visitors can quickly access and gain a better understanding of concepts. This not only encourages visitors to return to your website but also cultivates a level of trust and loyalty to your brand that can be difficult using traditional approaches.
Content Marketing Tools Examples
Even the most quintessential content marketing example – a blog post, with a visual call-to-action linking to a landing page, with a form to download a relevant PDF ebook – has its limits in terms of engagement. Ceros aims to expand this potential engagement with carefully crafted content marketing tools and tactics. With a Ceros experience, the limitations of conventional marketing content disappear. Instead of hopping from page to page, filling out unnecessary forms, or downloading documents not meant for every device, customers can engage with the content and provide data and feedback to your company directly, all in a single session.
Your customers do not just want to go on a website and browse through a handful of unrelated articles; they want to be engaged with something unique that stands out from the typical brand blog. Ceros helps you create content that stands out from the crowd. Our content marketing tools and examples will show you how an experience can change your website to be more engaging. This content keeps users engaged longer and converts better than a standard blog article and creates an experience that visitors can’t help but remember.
Best Content Marketing Tools
The best content marketing tools are the ones that give your viewer a reason to stay and a reason to come back. Many teams rely on basic software tools to create, manage, and distribute their content – like a Content Management System, or CMS (like WordPress, for example), graphic design software (like Adobe or Canva), or an email marketing platform to communicate with a list of contacts (like Mailchimp). Each of these tools help marketers with a part of their content marketing program, but it’s also vital to make sure the content being created is interactive, immersive, and entertaining.
Traditional web content is inherently limited in this endeavor, as readers are faced with static blocks of text and bland or stock imagery. It is entirely up to the user to work through the material you’ve published using traditional marketing content. If you do not immediately hook a user’s attention, they will likely leave your site for good.
Experiences are built to guide a user through your content without forcing them to make an effort. The dynamic content of a Ceros experience will capture the attention of a user and keep them engaged through more of your material. With Ceros’ content planning tools, you can still create the clean, streamlined content that viewers are looking for but present the experience in a way that is exciting and dynamic. Ceros can help you create experiential content that would normally require you to work with a web developer, all without having to know any code yourself.
Content Marketing Automation Tools
Ceros doesn’t just improve the quality of the content for your website, we can also make it easier to publish and update content as well. Our marketing automation tools let you easily make edits, updates, and other content changes.
Content marketing automation tools may sound intimidating, but with Ceros, it is extremely easy to make changes to experiences on your website. Using the Ceros app, you can automatically update any of your published or embedded experiences. Any edits made to already published experiences will only be visible in the real-time preview until you’re ready to publish. This gives your team a chance to double-check any content without the worry of a small mistake that can otherwise be a hassle to correct.
After making edits (to your website, for example), your experience URL will stay the same, unless it is changed manually. Even if you don’t think your business needs content marketing automation, Ceros content marketing automation tools make edits and updates to your published experiences easy. By ensuring your visitors are always getting the most up-to-date information possible, you can create a website that becomes an authority and a destination for those seeking the most up-to-date and accurate information available.
Content Tools for Social Media
Ceros’ multi-platform system makes engaging with users on social media platforms easier than ever. Creating content for social media can often be a time-consuming task for your content team, as they can be forced to rework existing content to optimize it for social media.
Ceros takes this extra step out of the process. Using our content tools for social media, you can post URLs to any experiences you create with Ceros to engage users on social media apps such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.
Moreover, Ceros makes it easy to optimize your experiences for social media. Ceros allows you to customize the title, description, and photo you want to appear within posts for Open Graph enabled Platforms and Twitter sharing. This ensures that your social media posts give the same crisp and professional appearance as the experiences on your website. With more engagement across social media platforms, you are also able to gather even more useful analytics that you can apply to future experiences. This not only drives traffic to your website but also allows you the option to engage with potential and existing customers on multiple platforms, all while giving them the same quality experience as if they had visited your website directly.
Content Marketing Tools and Analytics
Ceros analytics tools can help you redefine your content marketing strategy thanks to the in-depth metrics that we provide for your website. The basic usage metrics allow you to see the number of visitors and page views you’re getting as well as referral services for each piece of interactive content that you create with Ceros.
Additionally, our basic engagement metrics allow you to better understand the high-level engagement with your website’s content. Letting you gain an understanding of how much time visitors spend on your website, how many visitors complete the videos on your website as well as click-rates and social media shares.
Ceros also allows for far more in-depth analytics of your site, providing you with granular interaction metrics that let you view data like page view drop off, clicks on specific objects, and the time spent on each page. We even offer external integrations, making it easy to ensure that your Ceros content is being properly tracked across all the platforms you use.
Finally, at Ceros, we go above and beyond to help you understand what is working on your website and what isn’t working, allowing you to address problems quickly and efficiently and to be constantly creating a better experience for your visitors.