Easily Design Interactive Content With Ceros

Designing digital content that stands out has never been easier. With Ceros, you can create interactive digital content without having to write a single line of code. Build interactive eBooks, quizzes, infographics, and much more with our platform to start driving more user engagement and sales.

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No more compromising on your vision. Whether you start with a blank canvas or use one of our templates, simply drag and drop digital assets directly into the studio, or even import design files like Photoshop, Illustrator, or Sketch. Then, add animations and interactions using our presets library. Before you know it, you’re up and running.



Once your content is published, drive your audience directly to the experience or embed it anywhere on the web. Ceros is compatible with virtually every CMS and can seamlessly embed in your site to give any page a bespoke look and feel. Easily update your live content in real time, optimize it for search, and get it in front of your audience with one click.



Managing access to design work is as important as managing the work itself. Ceros lets you grant different levels of access, so your team can work together without stepping on each other's toes. Files can then be sorted in an intuitive folder system everyone can understand. Ceros even lets you preload templates with your brand assets and guidelines so everyone stays on the same page.

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Content Design

A strong marketing strategy is important for nearly every business. There are many different ways to approach marketing, and some of the most common types of marketing material are advertisements. We see them everywhere: on the billboards we drive past, in the TV shows we watch, on the websites we visit—even the products we buy often come plastered with advertisements for other products.

However, there is another type of marketing you see just as often that is not so obvious. This is called content marketing. Content marketing refers to any piece of content, like a blog post, a video, or an Instagram post, that is intended to promote a brand or its product. Whereas traditional advertising generally tries to draw in customers by asking them to buy products directly, content marketing is usually intended to create brand awareness and deliver some kind of value to the customer that might make them engage further. 

For example, a company selling antivirus software might publish a blog article about how to tell if your computer has been infected with malware. They are creating a good impression of their brand by providing helpful information free of charge, while at the same time attracting the exact audience their brand is most likely to sell to (people who need help getting rid of computer viruses).

While content marketing might sound like a foolproof way to boost your site’s traffic, it’s usually easier said than done. Effective content marketing requires excellent content design. There is an enormous amount of content on the internet to compete with, so just churning out a few mediocre blog articles won’t likely have much of an impact. Putting real time and effort into your content design can give you a much better shot at reaching your audience.

But what is content design? There is a lot of nuance to the process. Not all aspects are immediately obvious, like the difference between content design vs UX design. Just being aware that design quality is an important factor won’t get you anywhere. To create truly exceptional content, it’s a good idea to have a robust understanding of good content design principles and how they can be applied effectively.

Content Design Book

One of the best ways to learn about content design is with the content design book. Some of the best content design books can be found through online content design services. Ceros’ website can provide you with access to dozens of guides, articles, instructional videos, and other kinds of content design resources that could help you learn about content design and how to use platforms like Ceros to create content that stands out. 

One type of resource that could be helpful for learning about content design is a content design ebook. Books are still one of the best sources of information for learning about new topics or skills, but the internet is much more readily accessible than printed books. You can use content design ebooks to access detailed information about content design no matter where you are. Any kind of reputable educational resource about content design can likely serve as an effective way to improve your content design knowledge. If you want to use a tool like Ceros specifically, there are numerous tutorials and other instructional resources on Ceros’ website that you might find helpful.

Content Design Examples

Sometimes, the best way to learn about content design is to take a look at a few successful content design examples in action. Analyzing these examples and using them to establish content design guidelines that you know will work well for what you want to accomplish can be a viable approach. Many of Ceros’ clients have created exceptional examples of interactive content marketing that could easily spark inspiration or demonstrate the best design strategies. You can check out the content design portfolio on Ceros’ website to get an idea of the kind of content design that can be effective in different contexts. 

There is no solitary rule that will work for every piece of content, so it can sometimes be helpful to look at examples of successful content design that apply to your industry and the goals you hope to accomplish with your content. The best content design examples are not necessarily the same for every business. Instead, the best content design is the one that serves its purpose, whatever that may be, as effectively as possible. Almost certainly, your end goal will be to attract new customers and increase revenue, but the best content examples to help you get there will only be helpful if the context is taken into consideration.

Content Design Process

Content design jobs are not always easy. However, the content design process can be simplified considerably by using an interactive content platform like Ceros. With Ceros, you can create interactive content experiences that offer an enjoyable and engaging experience for the customer. 

Traditional content design might just involve writing or maybe filming a video. Creating interactive content requires some knowledge of coding to get the interactive elements to work right. If you do not have any experience with coding and you’re wondering how to design content that is interactive, you can use content design tools specifically intended for your situation. A platform like Ceros can give you the content design resources and environment to intuitively create engaging, interactive marketing content without writing any code yourself.

Before you make any decisions about the way you want to design your content or how you want to accomplish that design, you could benefit from conducting thorough content design research. This would probably include finding examples, templates, or tutorials to help you plan your content design, but it could also include researching the right content design platform to use. Once you’ve chosen a platform, you can use it to create, launch, and manage your content. 

For example, Ceros can make it easy to create content by allowing you to simply drag and drop digital assets into the platform, then embed the content seamlessly into your website or anywhere you want to publish it. Ceros also makes it easy to keep content creation organized, with convenient management tools available at every step of the design process.

Content Design Principles

A solid sense of content design principles is an important piece of almost any successful content design process. Nearly every company is publishing content marketing in one form or another, so simple designs may not have the impact they once did. It may be necessary to use more advanced content design principles to keep your content engaging compared to all the competition. You can use Ceros as a platform for designing unique, interactive content experiences quickly and easily. You can even find some great content design ideas in the form of templates or examples of content created by other clients.

For example, some of the different kinds of content design techniques Ceros users have implemented include:

  • Creating reasons for consumer engagement by incorporating interactive quizzes
  • Using an infographic format to break down complex information into digestible chunks
  • Communicating changes or telling a brand story with an interactive timeline

Implementing creative content design choices can be a great way to attract consumers and keep them interested and engaged with what your barn has to say. These examples from Ceros are just a few of the ways you can use an interactive content platform to fuel ideas for engaging content design.

Content Designer

A content designer is a person responsible for creating content and presenting it engagingly. One of the best ways to achieve this engagement is by using a platform like Ceros to design interactive experiences instead of just typical blog posts or how-to videos.

Content design is not an easy job. Even though some people may think it sounds straightforward, content designers have their work cut out for them if they want to create truly engaging and professional-looking interactive content. If you want to design interactive content for your brand but you lack the design or coding skills to build the content from the ground up, your best option may be to find a content design course that can help you achieve a content design certification. You can also use a no-code design platform like Ceros to help you design high-quality interactive content without any knowledge of coding.

Ceros also maintains a helpful database of content design courses, sort of like a content design academy, that can help you learn about successful content design and how to use Ceros’ tools to get started building your own interactive content in little time.

Content Designer Vs Ux Designer

Normally, designing content requires some special content designer qualifications. For example, if a freelance content designer wants to be hired to create interactive content, they will likely need to be familiar with coding. However, Ceros can help you make interactive content without having to learn traditional content designer skills like coding.

There are a lot of different roles involved in the content creation process, which can sometimes lead to confusion. It’s not always very clear exactly what the differences are between a content designer vs content strategist, or a content designer vs graphic designer. In truth, designing engaging interactive content is usually a team effort, and these roles can each contribute in different ways.

The difference between a content designer vs UX designer (user experience designer) is also commonly misunderstood. While content design can fall under the umbrella of UX design, it is not the only task UX design involves, and an organization’s UX designer and content designer may not always be the same person.