9 Nov
01:00pm EST

Streamline Your Feedback Process with MarkUp.io

MarkUp.io is a Ceros product that allows real-time, collaborative, contextual commenting on over 30 formats, including PDFs, videos, images, websites—and yes!—Ceros experiences. Think of MarkUp as the de facto tool to solicit and organize all of your creative feedback. In this 45-minute Webinar, we'll walk through how to use MarkUp to streamline and optimize your review loops, save time, and make everyone happy in the process...

Tamara Ceman

Tamara is the Director of Digital Marketing and the number one fan of MarkUp.io. From her humble beginnings as a copywriter in corporate environments to leading marketing teams in hyperscaling startups, Tamara’s career was built around creative processes and visual content creations. She now uses MarkUps to collaborate with her team on anything from graphics for social media, to various formats of video content.

Gretlin Aumre

With an ex-agency background ranging from Project Management to Head of Digital, Gretlin’s felt the pain of a broken feedback process firsthand. In her free time, she loves kickboxing, cake decoration, or playing with her kiddos.