Dallin Kay
 · Director of Education

Video Settings in Ceros

Uploading your videos to a Ceros experience is as easy as dragging any video from your desktop and dropping it into your Ceros studio. Ceros will automatically convert your video files into the MP4 format for optimal online viewing. Additionally, we will also create multiple video files of different sizes to ensure your content loads well across a multitude of devices.

Available Video Options

By default when you upload a video to Ceros, the player controls will appear for the user, requiring them to interact with the video in order to play. However, in addition to this default video behavior, you can also set your videos to automatically play on load, which requires no input from the user. To access these autoplay settings, click on a video in your experience and you’ll see your video settings populate in the Design tab of your Inspector Panel.

From here you can customize the action of your video based on what device or browser it is being consumed on. As a general rule of thumb, you will want to disable the audio for autoplay videos to ensure it is not blocked by most modern browsers.

Older Browsers With No Auto-Play

Although most of the major Web Browsers today automatically update, there may be some instances where administrators block the Browser from updating. These older browsers may not be able to auto-play videos. Luckily, Ceros has baked in a few options to ensure users on older browsers can still your content.

  • Tap to Play Video – Users will be required to interact with the video to get it to play. Newer browsers will still Autoplay.

  • Show Thumbnail Image – Rather than requiring the user to interact, you may just want to display a thumbnail image instead. This is a good use case when the video is simply a background effect, and not necessary for your user to consume your content.

Recent Browsers With Muted Auto-Play

Modern browsers today have made great strides in providing users with the most user-friendly experience possible. It is for this reason that most do not allow videos to Autoplay if the video also has sound turned on. For modern browsers, you have the option to:

  • Play Muted Video – Even if the video has audio, Ceros can mute it by default for these browsers.

  • Tap to Play Video – Users will be required to interact with the video to get it to play — with the audio unmuted.

  • Show Thumbnail Image – Rather than requiring the user to interact, you may just want to display a thumbnail image instead. This is a good use case when the video is simply a background effect, and not necessary for your user to consume your content.

When using video, it is a great idea to test your experience across a few different browsers and devices to ensure everything is appearing as expected. Take a look at this article if you would like to learn how to best Optimize Your Videos for Ceros.